Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Summer Days

The last week or so has been extremely busy but also very rewarding.
Friday we were headed over to the ranch and all the sudden you could tell something was up in the trailer the horses were having a fit.  We hurried to pull over and Emily went to inspect, as soon as she was back there she said we've got go to the vet.  Somehow a four wheeler tie down had slipped just far enough that the hook was accessible to a very curious two year old blue filly we've been riding.  We have no idea how it happened but somehow she got it up into her nose and completely tore out one side.  Evan (our vet) said he had never seen anything like it.  She got all sewed up and it looks like it's healing nicely and she should be fine.  We spent the rest of the day riding pastures here at home.  Picked out a great Dubia heifer for the sale.
We spent Saturday sorting cattle to go to a BLM permit.  Dad helped all day and really enjoyed it the cattle looked great we really couldn't have asked for a better summer.  We sorted out about nine or ten sale potentials, that's when fall starts to look exciting.  The calves are all starting to hair up and their all bloomy looking.  I love this time of year when the cows are fat and sassy and they've got a nice calf by their side.  Don't ask me how but for some reason all us girls forgot sunscreen, Tawnya was a little fried tomato. It was a beautiful day though.
Yesterday we moved the cows to the BLM.  As you can see from the pics it not exactly irrigated pasture but the cattle will do great on it, the calves will come home the heaviest set we wean.  There has been a lot of rain and although the grass isn't real tall it's green.  The day was about eighty with a breeze and it made it perfect for moving the cattle they wen't great.  We always put a set of Angus cows up and they new where they were going.  It always amazes me how cows remember so well.  They new right where they where going.
It was just Emily, Tawnya and I riding, it really was a great day.  We talked like crazy, laughed a ton, even found a horny toad but to Tawnya's dismay he never turned into her prince.  Brad maybe you'll have to come back!! Lol!  You'd think in our twenty's the thrill of catching lizards and horny toads would be over for some reason every once in awhile you'll look over to see someone crouched down ready to spring.
We're headed to Salina today with a load of cull cows.  It's always rather sad to see the old girls you've grown so accustomed to leaving.  It makes you realize your age increases the same as theirs does.  Life goes by so fast.


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