Tawnya and I camped out under a pine tree, until lighting started popping all around us and we looked up to see the tree we where standing under had been hit some years before, you know technically lightning should never hit the same place twice but we decided to trade trees. There was water running everywhere, and it was raining still, hard. We were ready to tuck tail and return to the truck. We finally got a hold of dad who was up the valley a few miles, he had yet to even get his rain coat out! We decided we better get a little tougher and start to ride back to the cattle.
We gathered the cattle, about forty head or so where camped out in the trees including all the bulls, there is water everywhere up there and the cattle are staying in the tree's a lot better. It rained pretty steady the rest of the day, towards the end it poured.
Brad Wetovick from Nebraska has been out here on an internship all summer. We have really enjoyed his quick smile and happy countenance. He get's teased unmercifully by all the girls. Angela thinks it's her personal calling to see how bashful she can make him around Tawnya. I think he was beginning to wonder if it ever rained in Utah, now he's wondering if it's ever going to stop.
We re-rode the bench and Tippets valley on Wednesday. No one was super excited about going and getting wet but it was a perfect day on the forrest. Tawnya caught three horny toads so her day was complete lol! Beaver had a cloudburst that night and it laid down about two inches in about two hours. There was water everywhere. It was running down the roads and the ditches where gushing. We turned all the ditches off. There is a lot of hay down in the Valley, it's going to stay down for awhile it's not very good haying weather around here at the moment.
Avila's came yesterday to pick up there bulls, it sure was good to see them. Clay came tromping into my house yesterday morning. I heard my back door open and someone walking through, I was starting to fume quite well at whoever had the gall to walk through my house with their boots on, in pops Clay in shorts and and t-shirt holding his toothbrush! He rode on the mountain yesterday while Jeff stayed down and caught some Z's. The friends you make in the cattle business really are the highlight of it all.
Birdy headed up to Tooele with a steer this morning. They just called he weighed in at 1337, he's not real happy about being there.
We're cutting thistle today, anyone who wants to help is welcome.
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