Rising Sun is on his way to Tetonia, Idaho to a new set of ladies. We really have fallen in love with his daughters they are turning into great mamma cows that are big bodied easy doing and most of all I love their neat nice little udders.
I had wanted to picture him and get a bit more up to date image of what he really looks like. He's been with a set of cows now since the middle of May and he looks as fat as when we turned him out just a bit more toned. We've had him in the eaten down horse pasture so he had to scrimp, dad's always afraid he's going to get to fat. The picture pen is a swamp right now so Tawnya and I opted for the field that's been mowed, it looked pretty and plus we could walk without getting to sogggy. Birdy had Tooele stock show and somehow managed to swipe my muck boots along with my makeup! Rising Sun loved the field, to much, he wouldn't put his head up to save his life. There are about a hundred pictures that would be great if he would just stick his nose in the air a bit. Tawnya is super good help don't get me wrong but she lacks the array of sound and jumps with wild outbursts that Birdy somehow manages to make everything perk their ears to the commotion.
It's still cloudy and today almost a bit nippy here. I am looking forward to a few more days of sunshine! Birdy had Grand Champion steer yesterday at Tooele. He looked really good, she's worked her little tail off with him. He wasn't a huge fan of the people or the place and we had fits getting him to eat but he was at least drinking and looked great in the ring. Tawnya left after pictures mid morning with Rising Sun and Brad Wetovick to head up to north, dad always seems to keep things cattle oriented lol, the girls always manage to keep them boy oriented!
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