Saturday, July 31, 2010

Miss Yardley R15

We have decided to sell a few of our donor cows who have embryo's in the tank, the genetic potential here is huge! R15 is a powerhouse take advantage of this one boys females like this seldom come along.  She's proven and powerful.  Ali x Y1 Prompter 5/8 Maine Anjou.

Fall is Approaching

We clipped on Birdy's steer today for Tooele,  as fairs get closer the realization comes that summer months are quickly fading.  The thoughts of winter following fall are dreary.  I still haven't realized why we have to have winter months but since we depend upon winter snow for irrigation I should perhaps stay a bit quite.  The summer rains that seemed to have skipped over us the last few months have decided they are going to hang around.  I talked to a friend today who is debating about cutting his hay, many in the valley have it down and it's now black.  As we pray for the moisture the realization comes there are a few who aren't so happy it's falling but since we do live in a dessert we know that it to will come to an end.
The girls where on the Creek Bed with dad sorting on heifers and it started to rain, in a few short minutes they where drenched to the bone.  The lightning was popping so bad they left the cattle in the hay meadow instead of pushing them through to the pasture.  Dad sure enjoys going out and working through the cattle, it just lightens his mood.  It rained on the hired men all day on the forrest while they were fencing.
Emily and Tawnya are home from college, mom's house is finally alive again.  Birdy had taken up residency with me, I sure love my girls.  It would be nice if none of us ever had to grow up!


Friday, July 30, 2010

Cattle on the Forrest

The last few weeks has been busy sorting, and driving cattle to their summer haven.  It seems as though we just get them sorted for breeding pastures and it's time to go to the forrest.  Yesterday we got rained on a big majority of the day and although wet and soggy it was a huge blessing.  After seeing things start to burn rainclouds bring a tear to your eye as the ground soaks up the moisture.
Tawnya forgot her raincoat so Steven gave up his, I'm not sure why because when she made it back to the truck to change her shirt she was as wet as he had been.
The cattle where just happy to be on fresh feed and didn't want to move to extra bad instead taking their sweet time to enjoy the green grass.  We fought them a big majority of the way.  The calves look great, it's amazing what a months time can do for them.  When the first calf heifers are home on hay it's almost hard to look at their babies, they just look stale but since they've been out they have really started to come on.  I think I entered a dozen numbers in my phone of possible sale candidates for this fall.  We hauled out the panels and loaded up one potential in the trailer to take back to the ranch.
It's a two day drive, the cattle go from a drier permit where the grass is good and hard to the lush mountain tops.  It's long days, Apache decided to long.  We went to count the cattle out the gate and somehow he must have snuck of to the Shade tree's when no one was looking.  Tawnya went back to look but he was no where to be found.  The country has all got to be re-rode so we'll find him in our next sweep.
Emily and Tawnya are home from school, it's amazing just how fast the time all fly's by.  It was just yesterday when they where little girls asking every twenty minutes how much farther, now they're all grown up.  Birdy had to stay home and work with her steers, she was in withdrawals not being there for all the chit chat.
It rained here and out on the dessert last night.  We really are saying prayers of thanks it was getting really dry everywhere.  It sure makes dad smile more!
